Bacon Wrapped Smokies with Brown Sugar
Bacon Wrapped Smokies with Brown Sugar are the perfect appetizer to watch the big game. Three ingredients are all you need.
Bacon Wrapped Smokies with Brown Sugar are the perfect appetizer to watch the big game. Three ingredients are all you need.
Crock Pot Marry Me Chicken is an easy slow cooker dinner with tender chicken, creamy sauce, and flavorful spices. Great for those busy weeknights.
This Roquefort Pear Salad is one of my favorite salads! It full of pears, avocados, blue cheese, and a tasty vinaigrette. Great for potlucks!
I used to make these easy Butterscotch Haystacks as a child. They no-bake cookies are creamy peanut butter and butterscotch covered chow mein noodle...
Chicken Pot Pie is a classic homemade chicken pot pie recipe with vegetables and a creamy filling without cream of anything soup. A store...
Buffalo Chicken Chili is so easy and has only a few basic ingredients in this slow cooker dinner. Creamy and spicy all in one! This chicken...
These Lunch Lady Peanut Butter Bars are layers of oatmeal peanut butter blondies with a delicious chocolate frosting on top. The ultimate decadent dessert made in a sheet pan!
Zuppa Toscana Soup is a copycat recipe of the Olive Garden’s Zuppa Toscana soup that is perfect for a chilly night. Made with spicy...
Caramel Apple Cider Cookies are soft with a chewy caramel center. These cookies are one of my favorite recipes to bake in the fall.
Baked Spasagna is a mix between spaghetti and lasagna. This is a hearty Italian dinner for a crowd!
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup recipe is a tried and true comfort dinner with carrots, celery, onions, chicken, and homemade noodles. In this chicken soup recipe, ...
This Apple Pie Caramel Apple is just like the expensive ones at Disney World. An apple dipped in caramel, white chocolate, graham cracker crumbs...