Fruit Salsa
Fruit Salsa recipe is a sweet salsa made from diced fruit and served with cinnamon chips. This appetizer will be a hit at your baby...
Fruit Salsa recipe is a sweet salsa made from diced fruit and served with cinnamon chips. This appetizer will be a hit at your baby...
This Strawberry Cake recipe is a light and fluffy cake made from scratch with simple ingredients, filled with fresh juicy strawberries and topped with...
Taco Pasta is creamy, spicy and an easy Italian meets Mexican dinner. I love making this pasta when I want the whole family to...
Although this Hawaiian Grilled Chicken recipe has been floating all over the web, this is where it first originated! Similar to Huli-Huli Chicken but...
This Marinated Caprese Salad recipe is a great side dish. Marinated in balsamic dressing and herbs, it is bursting with flavor. If you want...
This healthy Avocado Cucumber Salad has a citrus dressing with cilantro and garlic. This salad is a great side dish to any meal!
This Mediterranean 7-Layer Dip has layers of homemade tzatziki, hummus, cucumber, tomatoes, green onions, and feta. Serve this appetizer dip recipe with pita chips!
This Fajita Quesadilla is filled with seasoned veggies and lots of cheese. Serve them with all of your favorite fajita toppings. A quick Mexican...
Easy Peach Cobbler is made with only four ingredients. This is the summer dessert you need to make! Sweet peaches with a crunchy topping....
These Grilled Shrimp Tacos with a spicy Avocado Salsa are quick and easy, light and refreshing! Spicy shrimp topped with a salsa made from...
This Lemon Brownie recipe are lemony, lemony, lemony. Topped with a lemon glaze and bursting with lemon flavor. Make these Lemon Brownies! They are a...
Horchata is a refreshing Mexican rice milk drink with a hint of cinnamon served over ice. Looking for a non-alcoholic, dairy free popular Mexican drink...