One-Pot Chicken Spaghetti
One-Pot Chicken Spaghetti is a super easy pasta dinner all made in one pan! Chicken, chicken broth, Rotel tomatoes, cream cheese, and a few...
One-Pot Chicken Spaghetti is a super easy pasta dinner all made in one pan! Chicken, chicken broth, Rotel tomatoes, cream cheese, and a few...
Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken that is tender, spicy, and great as a sandwich, to top nachos, or just by itself. Five minutes of prep...
These Mini Chicken Chimichangas are mini Mexican appetizers filled with creamy chicken and spicy Pepper Jack cheese. Perfect for Cinco De Mayo!
Homemade Salsa is easier than you think! Add tomatoes, onion, cilantro, garlic, and lime juice to a blender. This easy salsa recipe taste just...
Chicken Parmesan Stuffed Shells have a creamy ricotta filling with chicken stuffed and are topped with a crunchy Panko topping.
Soft Cinnamon Rolls recipe is an absolute no-fail easy homemade cinnamon roll recipe filled with cinnamon and covered with cream cheese frosting. Vanilla pudding...
This Grape Salad is an easy fruit salad with a creamy dressing that is always a crowd pleaser and great for potlucks! Red and...
Tomato-Basil Chicken and Cashew Rice Pilaf – an impressive Italian recipe that my whole family loves. The flavors blend together and the sweet tomatoes...
Chuck Roast recipes are great to have on hand because they are affordable and easy! Here’s a complete list of beef chuck roast recipes...
These Asian Meatballs are an Asian inspired easy recipe. These tender meatballs are baked in the oven and tossed in a honey sticky sauce...
An easy Easter Bunny Cake with purple, pink, and yellow swirls topped with coconut and jelly beans. You can make this cake with the...
Empty Tomb Rolls or Marshmallow Delights – easy cinnamon sugar rolls with a melting marshmallow inside. These are a great symbolic dessert recipe for...