Tres Leches Cake
This Tres Leches cake recipe is spot on for flavor. This is a Mexican dessert that can be made ahead of time. I’ve tested many...
This Tres Leches cake recipe is spot on for flavor. This is a Mexican dessert that can be made ahead of time. I’ve tested many...
Pico De Gallo is a classic Mexican recipe made from fresh tomatoes, cilantro, onion, and jalapeno. This is my favorite way to top burritos,...
Baked Chicken Chimichangas are a healthier twist on the old Mexican classic chimichanga recipe with less calories. You won’t even miss this chimichanga being...
Monster Protein Balls are healthy little snack energy bites filled with peanut butter, oats, honey, protein powder, mini chocolate chips, protein powder, and M&Ms.
Dill Pickle Chicken Salad made with chicken, celery, crunchy pickles, celery, mayonnaise, green onions and a little pickle juice. You can eat this as...
This Blackened Chicken is an easy recipe loaded with spices and makes for some flavorful chicken in under 20 minutes. The cooking method to...
Sheet Pan Pancakes are an easy way to make pancakes for a crowd. Pop them in the oven for breakfast instead of flipping individual...
This zesty Crockpot BBQ Chicken recipe is made from just a few ingredients and creates a tender juicy chicken dinner.
One-Pot Chicken Spaghetti is a super easy pasta dinner all made in one pan! Chicken, chicken broth, Rotel tomatoes, cream cheese, and a few...
Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken that is tender, spicy, and great as a sandwich, to top nachos, or just by itself. Five minutes of prep...
These Mini Chicken Chimichangas are mini Mexican appetizers filled with creamy chicken and spicy Pepper Jack cheese. Perfect for Cinco De Mayo!
Homemade Salsa is easier than you think! Add tomatoes, onion, cilantro, garlic, and lime juice to a blender. This easy salsa recipe taste just...