Italian Sausage and Peppers
Italian Sausage and Peppers are a hearty Italian dinner that’s restaurant quality all made in one-pan. This low-carb meal has onions, peppers, and spicy...
Italian Sausage and Peppers are a hearty Italian dinner that’s restaurant quality all made in one-pan. This low-carb meal has onions, peppers, and spicy...
Chicken Taco Soup is a quick and easy taco soup recipe for a cold night! One of our favorite crock pot meals that can...
This Unstuffed Shells Casserole is all the flavors of stuffed shells without all the work. This pasta can be made ahead of time and...
This Belgian Waffle recipe is a flavorful breakfast with a light crisp exterior and fluffy center. I’ve tested tons of waffle recipes and this...
BYU Mint Brownies are a rich brownie dessert with creamy mint frosting and chocolate topping. The original recipe is made famous by the BYU...
Watergate Salad is a simple recipe made from a combination of pistachio pudding mix, crushed pineapple, miniature marshmallows, and fresh whipped cream (no Cool...
This Instant Pot Corned Beef recipe is the fastest way to make a corned beef dinner! Eat it plain or dress it up with...
Pizza Monkey Bread is an Italian appetizer stuffed with pepperoni, mozzarella cheese, and garlic all in a Bundt pan. If you love pizza, you’ll...
Million Dollar Dip is a 5-ingredient dip with mayonnaise, green onions, cheddar cheese, almonds, and crunchy bacon. This game day recipe is a party...
These Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies have oatmeal, peanut butter, and chocolate chips which makes for some yummy dough. Soft centers with crispy...
Green Eggs and Ham Pretzels – A little twist on Green Eggs and Ham. A cute treat for St. Patrick’s Day or Dr. Suess’...
These Taco Cups are layers of wonton wrappers, taco meat, beans, cheese and topped with taco toppings. Remember these Lasagna Cupcakes, well these are the Mexican...