Confetti Orzo Salad
Confetti Orzo Salad feeds a crowd and is great for BBQs, potlucks, baby showers, and church get togethers. This salad is filled with peppers,...
Confetti Orzo Salad feeds a crowd and is great for BBQs, potlucks, baby showers, and church get togethers. This salad is filled with peppers,...
Monterey Chicken is topped with BBQ sauce, Monterey Jack cheese, diced tomatoes, and crumbled bacon. This flavor combination is out of this world and...
Sheet Pan Greek Chicken Dinner is a healthy meal made with tender chicken, bell peppers, red onions, and perfectly roasted potatoes. The chicken is...
This homemade Garlic Bread is such an easy recipe and elevates any dinner. You just need a few simple ingredients to make this bread!
Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes are a mix between a cupcake and cheesecake. With a graham cracker crust and cream cheese frosting, these are delicious!
Roy’s Chocolate Souffle is often also referred to as a Molten Lava Cake. It has a gooey chocolate center as a surprise in the...
This Sugar Cookie Recipe is buttery and soft with crisp edges but soft inside. They hold their shape so this is a great recipe...
This Chicken Nachos recipe is made in minutes on a sheet pan and has all of your favorite toppings with a delicious nacho cheese...
This Pizza Dip tastes just like pizza with cream cheese, Italian seasonings, pizza sauce, and pepperoni! If you are looking for a great appetizer...
Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup is a delicious soup for any night of the week. It’s a one-pot chicken soup that has carrots, celery, and...
These Chicken Parmesan Sliders are made from just a few ingredients and an Italian appetizer or meal that my kids love.
These Buffalo Wing Lettuce Wraps are one of my healthy go-tos! Ground turkey or beef in a buffalo sauce topped with blue cheese, carrots,...