Applebee’s Blondie
This Applebee’s Blondie copycat is a melt-in-your-mouth blondie drizzled with a maple cream sauce. This version of the dessert is better than the restaurant...
This Applebee’s Blondie copycat is a melt-in-your-mouth blondie drizzled with a maple cream sauce. This version of the dessert is better than the restaurant...
Cuban Sliders – ham, Swiss, pickles, and a mustard glaze makes these Cuban sliders a great appetizer for any party. You can make these...
Cream Cheese Chicken Enchiladas – a great Mexican dinner that comes together in no time at all. Cream cheese, Rotel tomatoes, and chicken make...
These Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies are rich, fudgy, and full of all the chocolate flavor with a touch of peanut butter. Best eat these...
Chicken Gnocchi soup is creamy, full of veggies, tender chicken and gnocchi dumplings. This is an Olive Garden copycat recipe for a creamy soup with pillowy gnocchi. Serve with...
Greek Salmon Salad is a healthy 20 minute dinner with a fresh Greek salsa made from tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, and feta tossed in a...
enOne-Pan Garlic Butter Chicken is an easy dinner made in under 20 minutes and full of flavor! Chicken and asparagus cooked in in a...
The Best Bean Dip Ever – creamy, spicy, and the perfect texture for dipping. Bring it to a friend’s house to watch the game and...
If you want a quick and delicious appetizer, this Greek Layered Hummus is perfect! With the help of premade hummus, this snack comes together...
This easy Fiesta Chicken is an easy delicious Mexican meal with only 5 ingredients! Great for tacos, burritos, salads, or over rice. This meal...
These easy Chicken Tostadas are so simple you can have them on the table in 15 minutes. Crispy tostada shells topped with shredded chicken, beans and cheese for...
This Chicken Stew is a comforting soup with tender chicken, carrots, onion, celery, and potatoes. A healthy dinner with the same flavors as chicken...