German Pancakes
German Pancakes are a light and fluffy version of American pancakes. There are only 5 ingredients in this easy breakfast. Top with a little...
German Pancakes are a light and fluffy version of American pancakes. There are only 5 ingredients in this easy breakfast. Top with a little...
I’ve been making this Artichoke Chicken recipe since college. With only a couple of ingredients, it tastes like artichoke dip on top of chicken....
See’s Copycat Fudge is perfect and creamy chocolate fudge. This is the best fudge recipe with no candy thermometer required for this dessert! Perfect...
This One-Pan Creamy Tuscan Chicken Gnocchi is an easy dinner with tons of flavor!
This Eggnog Éclair Cake is a unique holiday dessert with a cream puff crust, creamy eggnog layer, and topped with fresh cream and crushed...
This Spinach Soufflé recipe is a fluffy vegetable side dish with eggs, cream cheese, Parmesan cheese, and Monterey Jack cheese. A Low-carb and delicious side...
Grinch Heart Cookies are magical little treats that you can make at Christmas with your kids. These are sugar cookies dyed green with a...
An entire list of Christmas Cookies with a few treats that aren’t necessarily cookies but sure are good.
Peanut Butter Cookie recipe with a rich peanut butter flavor and so soft! These cookies can be made in minutes and are not dry...
Banana Split Fluff is a fluffy pink dessert with all the flavors of a banana split. Great for any occasion.
Honey Lime Chicken Enchiladas are my go-to easy Mexican dinner for company that is also freezer friendly. If you like a sweet/savory chicken recipe,...
I always get asked for my favorite and essential kitchen items and here they are. All of these things I currently have in my...