Pork Carnitas
These Pork Carnitas are a delicious Mexican dinner with juicy pork meat broiled to give it nice crispy edges. These juicy pork carnitas can...
These Pork Carnitas are a delicious Mexican dinner with juicy pork meat broiled to give it nice crispy edges. These juicy pork carnitas can...
Salisbury Steak is so easy and the ultimate comfort food. Made from ground beef with a delicious gravy all in one pan! The entire...
Melt in Your Mouth Chicken is made with 4 ingredients and is the easiest chicken dinner out there in a creamy sauce. The whole...
S’mores Cookie Bars are a blend between cookies and s’mores made with a sweet graham cracker crust, cookie dough with marshmallows folded in, and...
Pumpkin Cream Cheese Bars are moist pumpkin bars with swirls of cream cheese frosting throughout. This dessert will be on your fall treat recipe...
Pesto Ravioli with Chicken is ready in under 20 minutes. It has zucchini, chicken, and red peppers tossed with cheese filled ravioli and pesto....
These Pepperoni Cheese Stick Roll Ups are great for kids and crowd pleasers. You can eat them as an appetizer or an easy dinner!
Banana Split Dessert is a no-bake recipe with a graham cracker crust, a cream cheese pineapple layer, strawberries, bananas, and cream with cherries on...
Strawberry Crumb Bars are summer in a dessert. Fresh strawberries sandwiched in between a buttery crumb base.
This One-Pan Sausage Gnocchi and Veggies is a quick and easy meal that satisfies. One-pan and full of vegetables that are versatile!
Greek Pasta Salad is loaded with flavor. Pasta, cucumber, tomatoes, onion, feta and olives are tossed in a Greek vinaigrette.
This Blueberry French Toast Casserole is a sweet breakfast treat filled with blueberries and a lemony cream cheese filling. This is company worthy!