Pesto Mushroom Chicken
Pesto Mushroom Chicken is breaded in buttery breadcrumbs and topped with pesto, mushrooms, and provolone cheese. So impressive and so easy, this easy Chicken...
Pesto Mushroom Chicken is breaded in buttery breadcrumbs and topped with pesto, mushrooms, and provolone cheese. So impressive and so easy, this easy Chicken...
Tamale Pie is a comfort food classic with beef, corn, and tomatoes topped with a cornbread crust.
Mini Burritos are filled with seasoned meat, beans, and cheese. Serve these as an appetizer and let your guests top their own.
This Buffalo Chicken Mac and Cheese is killer! It’s spicy and full of buffalo flavor. Creamy macaroni and cheese pasta recipe with a blue...
These Caramel Apple Cupcakes have all the fall flavors you love and are drizzled with caramel and nuts. They look like a caramel apple...
This Bruschetta Pesto Chicken Casserole is layers of chicken, pesto, tomatoes, onion, and a crunchy Panko topping.
This Taco Lasagna recipe is so easy and is a casserole that freezes well. When Mexican food meets Italian you get layers of pasta,...
Keto Chili is packed with protein and flavor. Delicious flavors without beans. Ground beef, Italian sausage, and Andouille sausage make up the main part...
Apple Dumplings are an easy dessert made with apples, crescent dough, a butter sauce, and soda. You can use Mountain Dew or Sprite but...
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins are moist pumpkin spiced treats dotted with chocolate chips. This is the only pumpkin chocolate chip muffin recipe you will...
One-Pan Monterey Chicken Pasta is a quick weeknight dinner inspired by the Monterey Chicken at Chili’s restaurant! Chicken, pasta, BBQ sauce, cheese, and bacon...
Korean Tacos are tender beef tacos made in the slow cooker or instant pot. Top with a spicy Asian slaw and sriracha mayo!