Buffalo Chicken Pasta Salad
Buffalo Chicken Pasta Salad is an easy pasta salad with all the buffalo flavors! Carrots, celery, and blue cheese put this pasta dish over...
Buffalo Chicken Pasta Salad is an easy pasta salad with all the buffalo flavors! Carrots, celery, and blue cheese put this pasta dish over...
These Creamy Shrimp Enchiladas are a delicious Mexican recipe filled with veggies and shrimp and covered with a rich, creamy sauce. Don’t like shrimp?...
Strawberry Cream Puff Cake – light and airy like an eclair with sweetened cream and strawberries. If you’re looking for a tried and true strawberry...
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles are edible cookie dough dipped in chocolate. This decadent dessert is great for any occasion!
Strawberry Wonton Spinach Salad is filled with red bell peppers, onions, honey roasted peanuts, bacon, and crunchy wontons. I love taking this salad to...
Creamy Lemon Pasta is made with simple ingredients in under 30 minutes! This bright flavored pasta dinner is an easy and delicious meal the whole family...
One-Pan Chicken Fajita Rice is an easy one-pan Mexican dinner ready in under 30 minutes. Chicken, rice, cheese, peppers, guacamole, and sour cream make this...
Keto Lasagna has layers of beef, mozzarella, ricotta cheese, and for the “noodle” an egg white wrap. Satisfy your Italian cravings with this Keto...
Taco Pizza is a Mexican meets Italian dinner. Pizza dough topped with beans, salsa, beef, cheese, and all your favorite taco toppings. If you’re...
This Chicken Cordon Bleu Lasagna is comfort food at its best. Layers of ham, chicken, and creamy white sauce make for one tasty dinner...
Baked Denver Omelet is made with eggs, ham, peppers, and cheese! Great for breakfast or dinner! Low-carb and keto-friendly.
Oven Roasted Carrots that have caramelized edges and are tender enough to eat without being mushy. These are a great vegetable side dish to...