Lasagna Cupcakes
Lasagna Cupcakes are layers of pasta, pasta sauce, and cheese. It’s portion controlled lasagna! If you want an Italian appetizer or main course, these...
Lasagna Cupcakes are layers of pasta, pasta sauce, and cheese. It’s portion controlled lasagna! If you want an Italian appetizer or main course, these...
Ranch Roasted Potatoes are the easy side dish! Just a few ingredients to a crowd pleasing potato dish!
Sausage and Egg Roll Ups are a delicious and hearty breakfast. Scrambled eggs, cheese, and sausage are rolled up in a buttery crescent roll.
These Cookies and Cream Brownies are rich chocolate fudge brownies with a creamy Oreo frosting. This dessert is a crowd pleaser.
This One-Pot Bacon Broccoli Pasta comes together in less than 20 minutes. It’s a great easy recipe to keep in your file. I’m always...
These Apple Pie Pops are heart shaped pies filled with cinnamon apples and drizzled with a powdered sugar glaze. Wrap them up with a...
One-Pot Beef Stroganoff is an easy weeknight dinner all made in one-pan. Made with ground beef and tender egg noodles in a flavorful sauce.
Banana Stuffed French Toast – bananas and cream cheese sweetened and stuffed in between two pieces of bread and cooked to perfection. This breakfast...
This Spinach, Feta, and Orzo Salad is a great dish for a get together. Spinach, pasta, feta, red onion, and basil make this salad...
Strawberry Stuffed French Toast for a romantic breakfast for Valentine’s Day or weekend treat! French toast stuffed with a sweetened cream cheese and fresh...
Hoagie Dip tastes just like a sub sandwich from Subway but in dip form. This appetizer is kind of like building your own sandwich. The...
Buttermilk Syrup is a recipe that will take your breakfast to a whole new level. If you’re looking for an easy homemade syrup recipe...