Meatball Recipe
The best Italian Meatball recipe is tender and flavorful. Made with beef, soaked bread, chopped parsley, and Parmesan cheese.
The best Italian Meatball recipe is tender and flavorful. Made with beef, soaked bread, chopped parsley, and Parmesan cheese.
Pumpkin Bars are full of spice, incredibly moist and topped with a luscious cream cheese frosting. This is one of my favorite pumpkin recipes...
One-Pan Chicken Fajita Pasta is an easy Mexican chicken recipe that you can make on a busy weeknight. Seasoned chicken and fresh bell peppers...
Slow Cooker Butter Chicken is flavorful dish with warm spices that the whole family loves. This crockpot butter chicken recipe is a creamy chicken...
Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins are hands down one of my favorite muffin recipes ever! Packed with spices and filled with a cream cheese filling –...
One-Pan Sausage, Broccoli, and Sun-dried Tomato Pasta is spicy, creamy pasta Italian dish done in 30 minutes.
Cookie Dough Cheese Ball is an easy dessert appetizer that everyone loves. The middle is a creamy chocolate chip filling rolled in crushed pecans.
Spicy Southwest Chicken is chicken marinated in spicy seasonings, grilled, and topped with cheese and tomatoes. This is my best friend’s recipe that she...
This Italian Sub Pasta Salad has everything in an Italian sub in a salad with pasta. This is a super hearty salad that can...
Snickers Apple Salad is an easy dessert that looks fancy! It has layers of apples, Snickers, caramel, vanilla pudding, and whipped cream. This salad...
Homemade Taco Seasoning is quick and easy to make. You can adjust your seasonings to your taste and have fresh seasoning on hand at...
This homemade flaky Pie Crust is made with a mixture of butter and shortening to create the flakiest, most flavorful pie crust.