Slow Cooker Pork Carnitas
Slow Cooker Pork Carnitas are so easy and can be in the slow cooker in under 5 minutes. Great for tacos, burritos, salads, or over rice. If...
Slow Cooker Pork Carnitas are so easy and can be in the slow cooker in under 5 minutes. Great for tacos, burritos, salads, or over rice. If...
Creamy Sausage and Tomato Pasta is one of my favorite Italian dinners to make for my family! The spicy sausage, garlic, tomatoes, cream, and...
This Tomato Basil Salmon won our hearts from the first bite. It’s super simple, gluten free seafood dinner and bursting with Italian flavor! A...
These Pork Carnitas are a delicious Mexican dinner with juicy pork meat broiled to give it nice crispy edges. These juicy pork carnitas can...
Spaghetti Squash is a great way to eat some veggies instead of pasta. I have tips and tricks on how to cook spaghetti squash for...
Cauliflower Soup recipe is so creamy and filled with vegetables to warm you on a chilly night. This homemade soup is a stovetop cheesy soup that is...
Sheet Pan Salmon and Asparagus – a healthy dinner all made on one-pan! Your whole family will love this salmon sheet pan dinner and...
Asparagus with Dijon Vinaigrette is an easy side dish with a tangy dressing. You can make this healthy vegetable side in minutes!
Healthy Vegetable Chicken Soup recipe is FULL of veggies and great to detox when you need to eat healthy! You can definitely make the prep time...
Sweet Potato Black Bean Chili is a vegetarian chili full of spicy, sweet, and full of flavor. A great meal for a chilly night.
This Baked Dijon Salmon is salmon topped with honey, Dijon mustard, pecans, and breadcrumbs. Make this seafood recipe for an easy weeknight dinner but...
Spinach Lasagna Roll Ups – easy, healthy, and filling! Spinach and ricotta rolled up in cooked lasagna noodles. Only 224 calories per roll! If you’re...