Chicken Parmesan Casserole
This Chicken Parmesan Casserole is one of those easy recipes that the whole family loves. No frying this cheesy Parmesan chicken topped with crunchy...
This Chicken Parmesan Casserole is one of those easy recipes that the whole family loves. No frying this cheesy Parmesan chicken topped with crunchy...
Limeade Pie is a chilled tart flavored pie made with only 4 ingredients: limeade, sweetened condensed milk, Cool Whip, and graham cracker crust. Perfect...
Sopapilla Cheesecake is an easy recipe with layers of sweet cream cheese, crescent dough, and a cinnamon sugar layer. This is the perfect ending...
Feta and Vegetable Rotini Salad is filled with pasta, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, and feta. This is an easy and tasty pasta salad that’s great...
These Orange Rolls are a citrus orange version of a sweet roll. These are light, fluffy, and glazed with a sweet orange icing.
This Avocado Feta Salsa is a little twist on your average salsa. The great thing about this recipe is that you can pretty much add...
Creamy Shrimp and Mushroom Pasta is ready in under 20 minutes. Noodles tossed in a herb infused creamy sauce with shrimp and mushrooms. This...
Fried Ice Cream without frying with only 5 ingredients! Cornflakes, butter, cinnamon, sugar, and ice cream are all you need to make this classic...
French Toast Roll-Ups have cream cheese, fruit, or whatever fillings you like rolled up in cinnamon sugar bread. Impressive and crowd pleasing, you’ll love these...
Chicken In Basil Cream Sauce is nice enough to make for company and easy enough to make for family dinner. This is a tried...
This Banana Coconut Upside Down Cake recipe has a layer of bananas and coconut with a brown sugar sauce infusing every bite of the...
This easy One-Pan Chicken Enchilada Skillet can be ready in 10 minutes! Seriously such a tasty Mexican dinner recipe with chicken! Rotisserie chicken is...