Creamy Sausage and Tomato Pasta
Creamy Sausage and Tomato Pasta is one of my favorite Italian dinners to make for my family! The spicy sausage, garlic, tomatoes, cream, and...
Creamy Sausage and Tomato Pasta is one of my favorite Italian dinners to make for my family! The spicy sausage, garlic, tomatoes, cream, and...
This Taco Skillet is made with taco meat, bell peppers, and diced tomatoes. Top with plenty of cheese, sour cream, and guacamole. This is...
Is broccoli Keto friendly? Yes. 1-cup serving of broccoli florets contains just 3 net carbs.
These Healthy Oatmeal Pancakes are hearty and filling. Make a batch of these and freeze them for a quick and healthy breakfast.
This Rice Pudding is a family recipe made with simple ingredients like rice, milk, eggs, cinnamon, and nutmeg. The raisins are optional. We like...
Healthy Spicy Beef and Black Bean Chili has beef, black beans, and corn in this easy and healthy dinner! This chili has only 298...
This Eggnog Gingerbread Trifle has layers of gingerbread, eggnog pudding and whipped cream. So good! This is the perfect Christmas dessert!
Muddy Buddies are a crunchy chocolate peanut butter dessert snack that feeds a crowd! This gluten-free sweet treat is sometimes called a crazy name...
This Carrot Cake recipe is tried and true with a moist tender crumb topped with a cream cheese frosting. No raisins or pineapple in...
Robbie’s Brisket – here’s another great recipe from my cookbook. My friend Heidi made her mother-in-law’s brisket for us for Christmas dinner years ago...
Keto Jello Pretzel Salad – a low-carb version of the sweet dessert jello pretzel salad with a salty crunchy crust. With a sweet cream...
Oreo Truffles are one of my favorite recipes of all time! Cream cheese and crushed Oreos dipped in almond bark or melting chocolate.