Magic Shell
Magic Shell can be made with just two ingredients in under 5 minutes! All you need is coconut oil and chocolate chips. You can...
Magic Shell can be made with just two ingredients in under 5 minutes! All you need is coconut oil and chocolate chips. You can...
These Pumpkin Oatmeal Scotchies are a pumpkin twist on your classic oatmeal butterscotch cookies. Full of fall spices these cookies smell like a dream...
This One-Pot Creamy Sausage and Tomato Tortellini is a delicious Italian dinner ready in under 15 minutes! Pasta is always a winning dish in...
Keto Cheesecake is a creamy low-carb Keto dessert with a crunchy cinnamon graham cracker crust. Add low-carb fruit like fresh berries to the top...
This Apple Crisp recipe is a 9×13 pan dessert full of sweetened apples and a thick crumble layer with brown sugar and oatmeal. Serve it with a big...
Swedish Meatballs are so tender and a topped with a flavorful gravy that is good over pasta or rice for dinner or as a...
Corn, Tomato, and Feta Salad is a fresh side perfect for potlucks and BBQs. The salty feta compliments the sweet corn and tomatoes.
These Mushroom, Spinach, and Chicken Enchiladas are creamy enchiladas topped with a cilantro sour cream sauce. This Mexican chicken recipe is company worthy.
These Salted Caramel Apple Cups are chewy blondies topped with cinnamon apples, salted caramel, and a sweet crumble. This dessert taste like little bites...
This Greek Panzanella Salad is one of my favorite Italian salads. Tomatoes, cucumber, feta, onion, and olives tossed with bread cubes and a delicious...
Steak Chimichurri Nachos are marinated steak on top of tortilla chips with plenty of cheese and drizzled with chimichurri sauce. This is a heart...
M&M Cookies are chewy, dotted with M&Ms, and always a favorite cookie with the kids. M&M COOKIES