Apple Crisp recipe
This Apple Crisp recipe is a 9×13 pan dessert full of sweetened apples and a thick crumble layer with brown sugar and oatmeal. Serve it with a big...
This Apple Crisp recipe is a 9×13 pan dessert full of sweetened apples and a thick crumble layer with brown sugar and oatmeal. Serve it with a big...
Swedish Meatballs are so tender and a topped with a flavorful gravy that is good over pasta or rice for dinner or as a...
Corn, Tomato, and Feta Salad is a fresh side perfect for potlucks and BBQs. The salty feta compliments the sweet corn and tomatoes.
These Mushroom, Spinach, and Chicken Enchiladas are creamy enchiladas topped with a cilantro sour cream sauce. This Mexican chicken recipe is company worthy.
These Salted Caramel Apple Cups are chewy blondies topped with cinnamon apples, salted caramel, and a sweet crumble. This dessert taste like little bites...
This Greek Panzanella Salad is one of my favorite Italian salads. Tomatoes, cucumber, feta, onion, and olives tossed with bread cubes and a delicious...
Steak Chimichurri Nachos are marinated steak on top of tortilla chips with plenty of cheese and drizzled with chimichurri sauce. This is a heart...
M&M Cookies are chewy, dotted with M&Ms, and always a favorite cookie with the kids. M&M COOKIES
Cinnamon Roll Cake – a fluffy cake with a brown sugar cinnamon drizzle and sweet frosting! This dessert is a crowd pleaser! CINNAMON ROLL...
This Tater Taco Casserole is a Mexican mixture of taco meat, beans, corn, and cheese topped with tater tots and enchilada sauce. The family...
This five ingredient Ham and Swiss Stromboli is filled with ham, Swiss cheese, bacon and green onions. The combo of flavors is delicious. This...
This Brownie Pudding dessert recipe has a crunchy top layer with an ooey gooey rich and decadent chocolate inside!