Chicken Enchilada Roll Ups
Chicken Enchilada Roll Ups are a great Mexican appetizer recipe for parties! Easy to make ahead and easy to serve. These are filled with...
Chicken Enchilada Roll Ups are a great Mexican appetizer recipe for parties! Easy to make ahead and easy to serve. These are filled with...
Chocolate Cherry Bars are so easy and a great potluck dessert. They’re ultra moist and are lathered with a decadent chocolate frosting.
Chicken Shawarma is a Mediterranean dish made by marinating delicious chicken thighs and grilling or baking. Serve in warm pita bread or naan with...
These beef Barbacoa Tacos are cooked in the slow cooker all day so you can come home to savory and spicy tacos. I love...
Pineapple Upside Down Cupcakes – a mini version of your favorite cake in cupcake form with butter, brown sugar, pineapple, and a cherry on...
Thai Coconut Peanut Chicken is a Thai inspired chicken dish served over pasta. You’ll love this creamy and flavorful Thai Coconut Peanut Chicken!
These easy S’mores Thumbprints are graham cracker cookies topped with mini marshmallows and chocolate. Kids and adults love this dessert.
Shrimp Tostadas are loaded with black beans, avocado, onions, tomatoes, and cilantro. This easy Mexican dinner recipe can be made in under 20 minutes!
Corn Salsa is a fresh corn salad with tomatoes, onion, bell peppers, jalapeno, and cilantro. Add a squeeze of lime and you’re done! Imagine Chipotle’s...
Banana Bread Cookies are soft, moist, and full of banana flavor. You can add mini chocolate chips and nuts if you like. Just like...
Pina Colada Poke Cake is drizzled with coconut sauce, crushed pineapple and topped with coconut whipped cream and toasted coconut. This cake is the...
How to Cut a Watermelon into Sticks – an easy tutorial on cutting watermelon in a way that makes it easy for little ones...