Cowboy Caviar
Cowboy Caviar is one of my favorite side dish recipes to bring to a potluck or summer BBQ because it’s always a big hit....
Cowboy Caviar is one of my favorite side dish recipes to bring to a potluck or summer BBQ because it’s always a big hit....
This Chocolate Dough Cheesecake is loaded with chocolate chips, a layer of creamy cheesecake, and chunks of chocolate chip cookie dough throughout! This dessert is a show stopper!
This Caprese Pasta Salad is the traditional Caprese salad in pasta form! Pasta, fresh tomatoes, basil, and tomatoes! This is a simple recipe and the...
Magic Cookie Bars recipe has a buttery graham cracker crust topped with sweetened condensed milk, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, coconut, and pecans. This dessert...
Chicken and Dumplings is a great recipe you make when you’re craving a homecooked meal. Made from simple ingredients, the tender dumpling dough and...
Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole has layers of chicken, ham, cheese sauce, and buttery Panko breadcrumbs. This is an easy dinner that everyone loves.
Rolo Pretzels are fun sweet treats and salty dessert to make with your kids and great for Christmas treats. The best part is all...
Sheet Pan Chicken Fajitas are a healthy and easy dinner with chicken, red onions, and bell peppers. This Mexican one-pan meal full of spices...
These Candy Cane Kiss Cookie Bars have little specks of white chocolate and peppermint candy cane kisses throughout and are topped with a cream...
Gooey Chex Mix is chewy, crunchy, salty, sweet and totally addicting! Some people call this Christmas Crack.
Hot Chocolate Cookies – cookies made with hot chocolate mix, milk chocolate chips, semi-sweet chocolate chips, and mini marshmallows. Great for Christmas and the holiday...
This Saltine Cracker Toffee was my grandma’s recipe. It’s addicting and one of my favorite chocolate treats! Some people refer to this Saltine Cracker Toffee...