These Carmelitas are a buttery, brown sugar and oats bar with a chocolate chip layer, nuts, and caramel inside. These can easily be doubled...
These Carmelitas are a buttery, brown sugar and oats bar with a chocolate chip layer, nuts, and caramel inside. These can easily be doubled...
Cafe Rio Sweet Barbacoa Pork is one of our favorite Mexican meals! We love it in burritos, tacos, and on salads!
Chicken Cordon Bleu is one of those go-to chicken recipes that you will keep going back to. It’s a great casserole for company and...
Gorgonzola and Honey Bruschetta is a fancy enough appetizer to serve at a formal get together but easy enough to prepare in just a...
This Mojo Pork Tenderloin is healthy and infused with citrus juices. Grilled onions on the side put this recipe over the top. If pork...
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies recipe – perfect texture, soft, full of oats, raisins, and nuts. These are the best oatmeal raisin cookies and will surely...
Pizza Quesadilla is a kid-friendly recipe so easy it only takes 5 minutes. All you need are tortillas, pepperoni, cheese, and pizza sauce.
Lemon Lush recipe is a light and fresh dessert with a shortbread crust. Layers of shortbread, cream cheese, lemon pudding, and fresh whipped cream make...
This Peanut Butter Sheet Cake is a moist sheet cake topped with a gooey peanut butter glaze. Peanut butter lovers, this is your dessert!
This Chicken Tamale Casserole has a sweet cornbread crust topped with enchilada sauce and chicken. This Mexican dinner is a crowd pleaser!
These Lemon Bars have the perfect crust to filling ratio with a bright lemon flavor and a thick crust. This dessert recipe is always...
Crockpot Lasagna is an easy Italian dinner that you can throw in the slow cooker and forget about. This is one of those easy...