The Best Baked Ziti
Easy Baked Ziti made with pasta, mozzarella, Parmesan cheese, basil, and sausage in a creamy sauce. If you’re looking for a casserole to take...
Easy Baked Ziti made with pasta, mozzarella, Parmesan cheese, basil, and sausage in a creamy sauce. If you’re looking for a casserole to take...
Sweet Potato and Black Bean Enchiladas are a vegetarian Mexican dinner that has the perfect amount of spice and flavor. Believe me you will...
One-Pan Coconut Curry Chicken and Rice is an easy one pot dinner with coconut milk and basil and little spice. This is a Thai...
Keto Pizza Skillet is a low-carb meal made with cauliflower rice, pizza sauce, sausage or beef, pepperoni, and cheese with only 4.5 net carbs...
These Gingerbread Cookie Bars are an incredibly soft and chewy Christmas dessert. These are a great alternative to making individual gingerbread men. These cookie...
Buckeye Bark – an easy dessert that is seriously dangerous to have around. Just like your traditional buckeyes with layers of chocolate and peanut...
Molasses Cookies are super soft cookies full of warm spices and the perfect chewy texture. Dip them in white chocolate for some extra sparkle....
Hawaiian Cheese Ball is a cream cheese ball appetizer with crushed pineapple, green onions, and bell pepper. Use a mix of red and green...
This S’mores Bake is a graham cracker dough dotted with chocolate chips, marshmallows, and your classic Hershey’s on top. Summer or winter, this dessert...
There are lots of recipes for Mississippi Mud Brownies out there but this one is perfection. Moist brownies topped with marshmallows and a rich...
This Cheesy Bacon Broccoli Chicken is a low-carb comfort food meal that everyone loves! Imagine chicken topped with a creamy cheese sauce, bacon, and...
Mexican Stuffed Shells freeze well as a casserole and can be made ahead of time. This is a great stuffed shell recipe stuffed with...