Chicken and Black Bean Enchilada Casserole
This Chicken and Black Bean Enchilada Casserole has layers of chicken, tortillas, black beans, enchilada sauce, cheese, and sour cream. This is a great...
This Chicken and Black Bean Enchilada Casserole has layers of chicken, tortillas, black beans, enchilada sauce, cheese, and sour cream. This is a great...
These Peanut Noodles are covered in a creamy peanut sauce for a unique Asian inspired Thai dish that will have your family begging for...
This French Dip Sandwich can be made in the Slow Cooker or Instant Pot. Served on a hoagie roll with a delicious au jus sauce. These sandwiches are an easy beef recipe...
This Fiesta Chicken Pasta Bake is creamy, spicy, and cheesy. Your family will love this easy Mexican dinner. I’m always looking for an easy...
Thick Snickerdoodles using all butter (no shortening here) and yields a very thick and soft cookie. You’ll want this dessert recipe in your keeper file. It’s...
This Vaca Frita is Cuban Shredded Beef that is moist, tender, and crispy on the outside. It’s beef infused with orange and lime juice for...
Cinnamon blondies are a snickerdoodle and a blondie bar mashed together. This dessert is quick and easy!
Easy Baked Chicken Parmesan is my go-to easy chicken dinner when I don’t have anything planned because I always have all the ingredients on...
These Lemon Blueberry Muffins have a lemon sugar glaze. Moist and full of blueberries. These muffins are a great breakfast treat!
Creamy Lemon Crumb Squares have layers of streudel with a creamy lemon filling. This easy dessert comes together so quickly!
This Cilantro Lime Rice is made with a little butter, rice, limes, and cilantro. It’s the perfect Mexican side dish and a staple in...
Easy Churro Bites are made with four simple ingredients: angel food cake, oil, cinnamon, and sugar. This is the easiest dessert for Cinco De...