Shrimp Tacos with Pineapple Salsa
These Shrimp Tacos are spicy and topped with a flavorful pineapple salsa. You can have this easy Mexican dinner on the table in 20...
These Shrimp Tacos are spicy and topped with a flavorful pineapple salsa. You can have this easy Mexican dinner on the table in 20...
One Dish Chicken, Black Beans, and Rice for an easy weeknight dinner. Even the rice cooks in the pan! I’m always looking for an...
Pesto Bruschetta Chicken is a healthy chicken dinner with mozzarella, tomatoes, pesto, and a balsamic drizzle. If you love a good Italian dinner, you’ll love...
Homemade Dinner Rolls that are so soft in the middle and quick enough for a weeknight meal. Soft rolls don’t have to be hard....
This creamy Key Lime Pie Fudge has a thick graham cracker crust and a tangy key lime pie filling. Made with white chocolate, sweetened...
These Mini Chocolate Cheesecakes are a decadent dessert with an Oreo crust and topped with a ganache and strawberry. Cheesecake does not have to...
Pizza Stuffed Mushrooms are a low-carb, keto-friendly appetizer filled with a creamy pizza filling made with pepperoni, sausage, pizza sauce, and cream cheese.
Maple Shortbread Cookies are melt in your mouth shortbread cookies with maple flavoring. If you’re looking for a unique flavored shortbread cookie for Christmas,...
The Top 10 Recipes of 2018 on The Girl Who Ate Everything this year!
Chicken Potato Soup has chicken, tender potatoes, carrots, celery, and onions with a creamy broth. Sometimes you need a hearty soup for those cold...
Everyone likes their mashed potatoes a different way, so why not have TWO kinds of mashed potatoes in one pan! I’m sharing with you...
Chicken Cordon Bleu Soup is filled with chicken, ham, and cheesy broth. It’s hard to believe you can have this Chicken Cordon Bleu soup...