Chewy Coconut Lime Sugar Cookies
Chewy Coconut Lime Sugar Cookies are super soft and chewy rolled in sugar for a slightly crispy edge. This dessert is a tropical cookie...
Chewy Coconut Lime Sugar Cookies are super soft and chewy rolled in sugar for a slightly crispy edge. This dessert is a tropical cookie...
Caprese on a Stick are a last minute appetizer for your barbecues. I love Caprese Salad so these little bites are a perfect snack...
If you’ve ever wondered How to Grill the Perfect Steak, here are some tricks and tips to grill like a pro! Here are some...
Greek Salsa has cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, and feta tossed in a vinaigrette. Add a pinch of oregano to up the flavor. This recipe can...
Easy Asian Chicken Rice Bowl made with rotisserie chicken, edamame, green onions topped with an Asian dressing served over brown or white rice. I’m...
This Flourless Chocolate Peanut Butter Souffle is a rich, fudge-like chocolate cake with a soft gooey center and a slightly crunchy top. This is...
Peanut Butter Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies are loaded with salty pretzels, crunchy peanut butter, and sweet chocolate chips. These cookies have it all and...
This creamy Red Potato Salad with hard-boiled eggs, pickles, mayo, and mustard. The perfect side dish for your summer BBQ and potlucks. You can...
This Baked Bananas Foster French Toast – brown sugar, bananas, and pecans in this decadent breakfast recipe. This recipe can be made a day...
This Hot Fudge Sauce is a rich and smooth chocolate sauce with a caramel flavor undertone. An easy, tried and true recipe with simple...
Pecan Cheesecake Pie is a classic pecan pie with a surprise layer of cheesecake inside. Sometimes you want Pecan Pie and sometimes you want...
Fruit, Avocado, and Feta Salad with toasted almonds, Craisins, and a balsamic citrus vinaigrette. This healthy salad was brought to a barbecue by my...