Chip n’ Dips
These Chip n’ Dips are delicious bean dip and chip all in one convenient package. A great bite-sized appetizer. You can fill it with...
These Chip n’ Dips are delicious bean dip and chip all in one convenient package. A great bite-sized appetizer. You can fill it with...
What do loaded burgers, steaks and messy food all have in common? They are all manly foods! And when I say manly I mean...
This Layered Buffalo Chicken Salad is the perfect addition to any gathering. I love how easy it is to throw together and how each...
Chocolate Chip Strawberry Shortcake is melt in your mouth buttery shortcake with mini chocolate chips topped with strawberries and whipped cream. A fun summer...
These Grilled Shrimp and Pineapple Skewers over Coconut Rice are an easy meal for any night of the week! Grill them on the grill...
This Poppy Seed Fruit Salad is sweet with a bright citrus flavor and a little bit of ginger. Bring this salad to your BBQ...
Sweet Corn Tamale Cakes taste EXACTLY like the infamous appetizer from Cheesecake Factory! This is a copycat recipe like no other! It’s spot on....
These Reese’s Peanut Butter Cupcakes are stuffed with Reese’s peanut butter cups and topped with a creamy peanut butter frosting and even more peanut...
It’s no secret that mothers all over the world put the needs and wants of their families above their own. It’s no different when...
These Mini Honey Sriracha Chicken Taco Boats are spicy and sweet chicken tacos topped with an avocado crema. These two-bite tacos are a great...
Turtle Buckeye Brownies are rich chocolate brownies, a peanut butter truffle layer, topped with a caramel chocolate pecan layer. This is the ultimate decadent...
These Hawaiian Baked Beans are sweet and salty with bits of ham throughout!. A great side for luaus or BBQs.