Fajitas on a Stick
Chicken Fajitas on a Stick are a fun way to serve fajitas. Grilled chicken, peppers, and onion for a Mexican dinner on a stick....
Chicken Fajitas on a Stick are a fun way to serve fajitas. Grilled chicken, peppers, and onion for a Mexican dinner on a stick....
Homemade Twix Bars have a shortbread crust topped with caramel and chocolate. When I’m raiding my kid’s Halloween stash, you can be sure that...
This Rosemary Ranch Salmon is delicious! The combo of the flavors creates a tender and savory sauce that is out of this world. If...
This Queso Fresco recipe is as fresh as it gets. This Queso dip only a couple of ingredients and you have a tasty appetizer...
Who said you can’t have treats when trying to eat healthy? These Chocolate Peanut Butter Apples with Coconut and Almonds are only 156 calories....
This Chicken Caesar Pasta Casserole is from my cookbook! It’s a light and creamy pasta tossed with Caesar dressing, chicken, and topped with crushed...
These Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Bars are an easy treat to throw together and have my favorite foods in one – peanut butter...
Carrot Cupcakes with White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting are a great alternative to carrot cake. Think of it as portion control! These are really...
Make the right call with this quick treat for March Madness. Nutter Butter Referees cookies are dipped in white chocolate and dressed up as...
These Cheesecake Pudding Shooters have layers of cheesecake pudding and crushed up Nilla wafers make for some easy March Madness treats. Since my life...
This Chicken Burrito Dip appetizer has all of the flavors of your favorite burrito but in dip form. The leftovers are great as a...
This Asparagus and Mushroom Strata is made from eggs and English muffins with mushrooms and asparagus. It’s a perfect spring brunch recipe. Asparagus and...