Classic Chili Recipe
This Classic Chili recipe is made with beef, kidney and pinto beans, and simmered in a red sauce with lots of seasonings. This easy...
This Classic Chili recipe is made with beef, kidney and pinto beans, and simmered in a red sauce with lots of seasonings. This easy...
Keto Egg Roll in a Bowl is a one-pan dinner made in 15 minutes and is packed with protein and flavor. Made with either...
Fake Blood Recipe is easier than you think. I’ll show you how to make Edible Fake Blood for Halloween and you can drizzle it on...
This easy Lasagna Soup recipe is one of my favorite soups! Imagine a soup with beef, garlic, onion, and tomato sauce with tender lasagna noodles throughout....
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds are easier than you think. If you’ve ever wanted to know how to roast pumpkin seeds, I’ll teach you. This roasted...
Manicotti is an easy Italian dinner. Pasta stuffed with a three cheese filling. The whole family loves this easy recipe that is the ultimate...
Monster Cookie Dough Dip recipe is loaded with peanut butter, oats, M&Ms, and chocolate chips. This is one of my favorite dessert recipes ever!...
Candy Corn Sugar Cookies don’t taste like candy corns but look like the cute treat! Bite sized and topped with cream cheese frosting. These are...
Soft Caramel Popcorn is a soft, gooey buttery caramel popcorn that is a delicious treat and addicting! A great snack or dessert that is made with simple ingredients and...
Chicken Tortilla Soup starts with onions, bell pepper, and corn tortillas simmered in chicken stock and blended with spices like cumin and chili powder....
These Scarecrow Treats are a recipe you can make every Halloween. Packed with candy corn and nuts for a sweet and salty treat perfect...
Pumpkin chocolate chip bars are a classic recipe with just the right amount of spice and chocolate. This pumpkin dessert has a moist cake-like...