Baked Spaghetti
This Baked Spaghetti recipe is an easy dressed up version of spaghetti perfect for a potluck and the best pasta recipe for bringing in...
This Baked Spaghetti recipe is an easy dressed up version of spaghetti perfect for a potluck and the best pasta recipe for bringing in...
Peanut Butter Coconut Macaroons are made with just a few simple ingredients and are a delicious peanut butter dessert! Make it extra decadent with...
We just returned from a month long vacation back West to Colorado, Utah, and Arizona. We stayed at 6 different places and ate about 1,323,972...
These Mango Black Bean Chicken Quinoa bowls are healthy and fresh, filled with vibrant veggies, chicken, quinoa, and fruit. It can be eaten warm...
Peanut Butter Pie recipe has a rich peanut butter flavor with honey roasted nuts and a graham cracker crust. It slices easily for beautiful...
These Blueberry Lemon Cheesecake Bars with a buttery shortbread crust are the perfect summer dessert. BLUEBERRY LEMON CHEESECAKE BARS My kids and I have...
This Slow Cooker Chicken Parmesan is a great way to cook one of your favorite Italian chicken dinners without a lot of fuss. Throw...
It’s officially summer. Me and the littles started it out right by ambushing the older boys at the bus stop with water guns on the...
Mini Garlic Monkey Bread is made from biscuits and is a great side to any meal. If yeast rolls aren’t easy for you, try...
This Peanut Butter Chocolate Gooey Butter Cake is a Devil’s food crust topped with a peanut butter ooey gooey layer. There are few things...
These Cheddar Ranch Chicken Burgers are a family favorite. Grill them outside or broil them inside! CHEDDAR RANCH CHICKEN BURGERS Does the word “moist”...
This Greek Garbanzo Bean Salad is filled with cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, garbanzo beans, and feta. Take this bean salad side to a potluck or...