Wedge Salad
Wedge Salad – this is a classic salad recipe with a homemade blue cheese dressing, tomatoes, onions, and bacon. This salad is always a...
Wedge Salad – this is a classic salad recipe with a homemade blue cheese dressing, tomatoes, onions, and bacon. This salad is always a...
Parmesan-Crusted Asparagus is a healthy way to make crispy Parmesan asparagus that everyone will love. You can’t go wrong with this side dish. Parmesan-Crusted...
These Mini Chicken Cheesesteaks have peppers, onions, mushrooms, and melty cheese but are made with chicken!
My son turned 6 last weekend. I spent the weekend eating like a 6-year-old: Cheetos, pizza, cake, and more cake. Unlike my son, calories...
This Slow Cooker Quinoa Chicken Chili is made a whole lot heartier with some quinoa. A warm comforting meal on a cold day.
I’m recently guest posted this over at Sweet Treats and More for her Seven Days of Valentine’s Sweets filled with a whole lot of treats and decadence. And speaking...
I’ve been tagged several times to list 5 things people don’t know about me. I tend to resist anytime I’m tagged but since Valentine’s...
My husband and my baby girl Gracie share the same birthday. I try to make a big deal about birthdays in our family but...
I found my first grey hair last week. I was headed to bed late and after I washed my face I noticed a shimmer...
This New Year’s Eve we celebrated with our kids with fireworks and a movie. Then we put the kids to bed and had a...
This Creamy Spinach and Artichoke Dip is made from spinach, cream cheese, sour cream, and mayonnaise make this dip so good! CREAMY SPINACH AND...
Buffalo Chicken Cupcakes filled with cream cheese, buffalo sauce, cheddar cheese, and layers of wonton wrappers. These are a great appetizer to watch the...