The Girl Who Ate Everything Cookbook
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I have a big announcement today. For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been writing a cookbook and it will be out September 9th! Ahhh. I can’t tell you how surreal this is. First of all, remember little ol’ me who gets nervous when someone tells me they made one of my recipes. Now I have a whole cookbook full of recipes to get shy over. This book was a serious labor of love. Lots of blood, sweat, and calories went into this book. I like to call it my 6th child. I started it in July of 2013 and spent six months literally every day in the kitchen cooking and photographing each recipe.
There were lots of learning curves in the whole cookbook development process. The timing happened to be in a crazy time in my life. I had just given birth to my 5th child and my husband entered his busy season of the year at work pretty much making me a single mom until January. I was also dealing with postpartum depression for the first time. That really could be an entire post by itself. I’m happy to say that I made it through. At times the stressful situation got to me. But I’ve always known that cooking is my happy place and therapeutic to me in so many ways. It saved me. For that I am so grateful. Except for the dishes. Those I could do without.
My cookbook has over 100 recipes: 90 brand new recipes and 10 favorites from the blog. Each recipe has a photo of the finished dish because that’s what I personally look for in a cookbook. It’s full of family recipes and other recipes brainstormed while I was running. From Pizza Stuffed Mushrooms to S’mores Cookie Cups, I promise you will find something you love. The Girl Who Ate Everything Cookbook is sold at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Books and Things, and Costco stores! It is also available on ITunes, Nook, and Kindle.
I have you guys to thank for pushing me out of my comfort zone and for supporting me along the way. I feel like I’ve found friends that love food as much as I do. Thank you so much to those of you who have already ordered my book! It means the world to me. Even though my shyness makes me want to hide in a corner, please know that I never take for granted the opportunity I have been given. Thank you.
Feel free to follow me on Facebook and Instagram for updates on appearances and signings for My Cookbook in your area.
Scheduled Signings:
Costco (Davie, FL) September 13: 12:00-2:00pm
Costco (Pembroke Pines, FL) September 27: 12:00-2:00pm
You can order my cookbook HERE:
Here’s a little sneak peek of some recipes in the book:
S’mores Cookie Cups
Pasta Milano
Cinnamon Roll Sheet Cake
Cheeseburger Pizza Balls
Antipasto Cups
Snickerdoodle Muffins
Juicy Beef Tenderloin
I can tell you have a passion for cooking, Good Luck! these recipes look wonderful, I am compiling a cookbook for my Granddaughter.
Thank you Trisha!
Congrats!! I’m curious to know how you began your cookbook journey. That’s a dream of mine. I have ideas out the wazoo!
I was approached by different publishers over the years and this was the right fit for me. Good luck on your journey! You can do it.
Just curious: I went to buy your book at Barnes and Noble, and they didn’t have it anywhere in the store. As a matter of fact, they had to order it, and it won’t ship until Oct. 3. Do you know why?
Shoot! My publisher said it’s at certain Barnes and Nobles. I’m trying to get a list of locations. Sorry!
Can’t wait to get a copy. I actually have already prepared some of your recipes for my family already. And they loved them ~of course~. Congratulations!!!
Just made my day!! I kept thinking – I know she is writing a cookbook – when it is coming out?!?!
Crossing my fingers for Costco in San Diego to have it – if not Amazon it is!!
Thank you Amanda!!
Hey I love your recipes! I was just wondering if they are sold at Costcos in Canada as well?
Shoot! I don’t think so. Sorry!!
Congrats on the cookbook! I love the blog, and I’m sure the cookbook will be amazing too. Do you know if it will be available in Kindle form to order? Thanks!
Sarah, Yes. It’s available on Kindle:
I love your website and I will definitely be buying your book!
Contrats Christy!! I can’t believe you managed all that. My sister totally lost it after her 5th. She was also writing a book. (a YA novel that she just turned in) You people are crazy. 🙂 And amazing! Can’t wait to buy it!
Congratulations, best of luck. I will be looking to get a copy, soon!
So exciting! Added to my list of cookbooks to buy in the near future/wishlist for other’s to buy me haha
How exciting!!! Congratulations to you! I will definitely need to get my hands on this!
Congrats! I often come and try the recipes on your blog. How exciting! I might need one of your new cookbooks for my birthday at the end of the month 🙂
Happy Birthday!!
I just preordered two of your new books! I’m so excited! I think your blogs and recipes are divine and can’t wait to have a bunch sitting in front of me just waiting to be made in my kitchen. Keep up the great work! And best wishes on the book launch!
Lisa in Arizona.
So excited for your book! I love your recipes and the stories, too! I just made your Oreo/Reese Dessert for my family at the beach, and everyone LOVED it!! 🙂 Congrats!!
Ooh! Thank you! I want to go to the beach 🙂
I am BEYOND pumped! I just bought my first Christmas present! Let the Christmas shopping begin!! I just ordered your cookbook for MOI!! Well, we gotta start shopping somewhere huh? Hee hee hee! Thank u Christy! I can’t wait to get it!
Congrats! I can’t wait to get this cookbook! I have a trip to Costco coming up soon!
Thank you!!
Just ordered your book on Amazon! I’m so happy for you. I’ve made a dozen or so of your recipes to date, and every single one has been delicious. every single one. I can’t count the number of times I’ve turned to your blog to inspire my dinner planning. I also share your recipes with the gals at work (giving you full credit, of course!). Congrats!!!
Thank you! Good recipes are made to be shared!
YAY!!!!! Congrats 🙂
Thank yoU!
the book looks completely gorgeous! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!
You’re so sweet.
Don’t have a Costco in N. KY YET and I have never bought anything on line yet but maybe I should try Amazon.
Hope your book is a great success.
I sure enjoy your blog.
I’m an amazon addict. I order everything off there. It’s at Barnes and Noble stores too!
Ordered! Thanks for the link.
Thank you!
I have been reading your blog forever and it is still one of my favorites. Amanda Sainsbury is my sister in law and she told me about it. I preordered your book and can’t wait to read it. Congratulations!
I love Amanda. She is the sweetest person in the whole world.
Congratulations! What an achievement. I’m excited to get a copy!
Thank you Erin!
Yay! I’m looking forward to paging through your cookbook and picking out which recipes to try first! Congratulations!
Thanks Heather!
Congrats!! What a major accomplishment! I love your blog & follow you on Pinterest too! 🙂 can’t wait to snag a copy! Question is there anyway I can get an autographed copy sent? I’d love to have it complete with your signature! I’m in MA so I can’t be at the FL book signing.
No matter what the answer is, I hope asking that question put an even bigger smile on your face! Congrats again, Wonder Woman was it?!
Oh my gosh. You’re killing me! You are too nice. I would love to autograph your copy. You can either send me your copy or I can send you an autographed book plate that goes right inside the front cover. I’m not sure how else to do it? Email me at [email protected]
Congrats! Looks wonderful! Will the cookbook be available in Canada for your Canadian fans? Best of luck with sales : )
That is so exciting! Congratulations! I have been following your blog for over a year now and I am very excited to pick-up your cookbook. Thanks for sharing your recipes! I love them!
Thank you Jessica!
Congratulations! That’s fantastic! Can’t wait to get a copy!
Thank you so much.
This cookbook looks great! Congrats!
Thank you!
You’ll do great! I too am shy but have written 4 cookbooks and even though the first few book signings were scary I made it through just fine. Congratulations!
It’s so scary!
Congratulations! I have had a few recipes published in cookbooks and it was so exciting to see them in print I used to go to stores that sold the cookbooks and feel so excited. I can not even imagine a whole cookbook of mine being published!! Being a young mother and wife it must have been very hard to accomplish. Kudos to you.
Congrats to you! I want to check out your stuff.
So excited for you and can’t wait to see it! xoxo
Love you!
Congratulations! You must have worked so hard to get the book out and keep up the blog. I get updates alert for your site on my Google Now cards. I’ll be sure to check if the book is available in my country. Thanks for spending so much of your time on us. Yours, Deena
Yes! It’s available on Amazon Uk. Thank you so much for your support.
You are amazing. I have always gone to your blog for help with meals. We have loved everything. I’m so excited for you. We miss you guys.
We miss you too! Love you guys!
Congrats! Love that you have a finished picture on every recipe. That’s something I like to see too!
Ahhh- I’m so excited to get your book. I see someone said its already at Costco. I will definitely look for it there. Come to AZ and do a book signing! I’m serious! Good job doing this book with all you had/have going on. No small thing either – that ugly post-partum depression. I get cooking as your “happy place”. It’s mine too!
I think I am doing a signing in AZ but not until January or February. It would be fun to see you!
I’m so excited for this cookbook!!! I have your blog bookmarked because I use so many of your recipes. Can’t wait to have your cookbook in my kitchen. Thanks for all of the yummy recipes!!
THank you. I love meeting another Christie.
I actually bought this book last week at Costco so it is already out. That is how I found out about your site. Lots of yummy recipes I can’t wait to try!
Wow! Good to know. I guess they are out early!
Congratulations! That’s so awesome and I wish you the best of luck!!!
Thank you so much!